When you are in Kasauli, you will experience the perfect bespoke beauty and the world that you have never imagined of. There are so many tourists’ locations in the town that will amaze you and take you to the other world. One such location is Gilbert Trail. This tourist is right off the main road and can be easily spotted approximately 700 meters ahead of lover’s lane. This is a perfect walk on the small Kacha path but the shower the immense beauty to the maximum extant.
The track is almost a kilometer and a half long and if you make it to the trail, trek another 300 meters below it and you will get to the absolutely end of the hills. After that point, there is nothing but a steep fall. The path is although broken along the side of a west-facing cliff, yet it provides fantastic views all along. The place is a must visit for the bird watchers. If you are lucky enough, you can get some of the common wild animals swaying around.
In the beginning, the path is wide enough but also some distance, the path starts shortening and turns out to be a quite narrow path that supports one person at one time. The amazing cool breeze swaying captures your heart and you will get close to nature.
The path can be slippery and therefore, it is advised to take care while making your way through the trail.
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